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Survival Phrases English-Italian for Palm OS 7.0

Survival Phrases English-Italian for Palm OS 7.0

Survival Phrases English-Italian for Palm OS Publisher's Description

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Survival Phrases provide hundreds of useful phrases for all types of situations. Perfect for both business travelers and tourists, Survival Phrases gives you the confidence and help you need when travelling abroad.

Much more than just a dictionary, Survival Phrases proivides complete sentences, properly constructed, for all kinds of situations. Each phrase contains the proper spelling in each language, plus a handy phonetic guide to pronunciation for each phrase (for example, S'il vous plaît = Seel voo pleh). With practice, you'll sound like a native, and at the very least the people you are speaking with will know you are trying.

Survival Phrases are organized into 14 practical categories such as Hotels, Emergencies, Getting Directions, Dining, Shopping, Useful Terms, and many more, each with their own set of subcategories. Such as Check In, Services, and Checkout for the Hotel category. It's fast and easy to find exactly the phrase you need.

Survival Phrases are bi-directional. You can add, edit or remove Phrases easily as well.

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